What Type of Filter is Best for Air Conditioning Maintenance?

When it comes to air conditioning maintenance, selecting the right filter is essential. Spun glass filters are a great option as they are cost-effective, disposable, and protect air conditioners and ovens from dirt. The MERV standard is used to measure the performance of filters designed for forced air conditioning systems, and the annual costs of replacement filters are calculated based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Spun glass filters don't increase your gas or electric bill, but they don't clean the air as well as other filter options.

The higher the MERV rating, the more difficult it will be for your air conditioning system to suck in air. If you have furry pets or live in an area with a lot of air pollution, you may need to change the filter more often. At MERV 13, you can count on the filter to stop bacteria, smoke, and other microscopic particles. For MERV 8 filters, pleated materials such as fiberglass paper, polyester, and plastic are often used and can reliably capture pollen, mold spores, and many types of household dust. If your system has filters inside the return air ducts scattered throughout several rooms in the house, you may need to change them every month for proper maintenance.

Fiberglass filters may be right for you if you don't have pets, allergies, or chronic respiratory conditions. A filter is an important part of any air conditioning system as it is the first line of defense against dirt and dust. The MERV classification was created by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers and ranges from 1 to 20. Most systems use forced air systems which force air through a filter into other parts of your home. This type of filter can capture tons of waste using relatively porous filtering material due to its large surface area. When it comes to choosing a filter for your air conditioning system, spun glass is one of your best options.

It is cost-effective, disposable, and protects your system from dirt. The MERV standard is used to measure its performance and you can expect it to stop bacteria, smoke, and other microscopic particles at its highest rating. If you have pets or live in an area with a lot of air pollution, you may need to change your filter more often than usual. For MERV 8 filters, pleated materials such as fiberglass paper, polyester, and plastic are often used and can reliably capture pollen, mold spores, and many types of household dust.

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